The art of winning We start our year with the concept of winning. What is winning to you? As a student of NPMAC, we encourage you to subscribe to the concept that winning is being successful and getting what you want and the world is a better place because of it. Notice, we didn’t state […]
In a world where hustle and bustle reign supreme, finding balance and purpose can be a daunting task. One of the most profound ways to achieve this is through the discipline of martial arts. Here’s why training in martial arts can be a life-altering journey. 1. Physical Fitness and Health Martial arts is a full-body […]
I lead by example Happy bountiful November! This month we explore the idea of compassion, and living a fulfilling life. You can live a life with confidence and compassion more readily if you walk your talk. Black Belt excellence is meant to extend beyond the dojo. How do you lead by example and experience personal […]
To-Shin Do and Why I Love It By Mischa W. The To-Shin Do martial art has meant a lot more to me than a peculiar fighting sport, as many of my friends think. To me, practicing To-Shin Do has been both an outlet that has led to mental and emotional serenity as well as an […]
It’s back to school season! Kids are dwelling in the last of summer, parents are ready to have the kids go back….. Everyone can agree, they want this year to be the best. The most confident year yet. What does that mean? As a parent myself, I think a confident year is a year that […]
1. Boost Your Self-Confidence Continual training and overcoming adversity in martial arts plays a vital role in the growth of self-confidence and self-esteem. As you face and conquer challenges, you gain a sense of resilience and belief in your abilities, which translates to increased confidence in your own potential. As a martial arts student, the […]
Why is Martial Arts so beneficial for Kids. We teach our students to embody a philosophy of resilience, discipline, and self-discovery. Through our To-shin do training, students cultivate not only strength and agility but also a sense of security and mental fortitude. In the dojo, every strike, block, and movement, represents a journey of self-improvement. […]
Are you prepared to defend yourself in any situation that may arise? Self defense isn’t just about high karate kicks and fancy moves. It’s about being mindful of your surroundings, staying focused on your mindset, and knowing how to keep calm in moments of chaos. At Newbury Park Martial Arts Center, we have been empowering […]
The art of winning We start our year with the concept of winning. What is winning to you? As a student of NPMAC, we encourage you to subscribe to the concept that winning is being successful and getting what you want and the world is a better place because of it. Notice, we didn’t state […]
Be an empowering role model Our To-Shin Do training builds on a platform of self confidence and respect for others. This month we focus on the idea of community, and a positive network of friends. We naturally generate more connections with inner confidence. Have you ever seen someone that so lacked confidence, they tried to […]
Enthusiasm is the key to advancement This month we will learn to use enthusiasm and a centered awareness to help us achieve our goals and dreams. How do we become enthusiastic about something we have to do, not want to do? Exercise your enthusiasm muscle just like you would any other muscle in your body! […]
I used to believe the the old adage that “Knowledge is Power” I now understand that Knowledge is not power, it is the application of knowledge that makes it powerful. Just gathering knowledge is much like potential energy, it doesn’t become kinetic until you use it. We are taught the meaning of the words Please […]
Black Belt Excellence at home, at school and at the dojo March finds us bringing strategic thinking to the table in order to complete our goals. Identifying a challenge may be a step in taking action, but this is only half of the equation. Actively seeking a solution is the other half. When a student […]
The Art of Winning- The Ninja Way “Katsu tame ni” is japanese for “We train for the sake of winning” We train so that we can be winners. We do not train for sake of defeating or beating others. that would be a a negative motivation, to make others “non-winners” we do not train for […]
I lead by example Happy bountiful November! This month we explore the idea of compassion, and living a fulfilling life. You can live a life with confidence and compassion more readily if you walk your talk. Black Belt excellence is meant to extend beyond the dojo. How do you lead by example and experience personal […]
As we dive deeper into the concept of Empowerment this month, we look at the idea of being a role model this week. The responsibility is great for those of us that train. We have made a promise to be a peaceful warrior and uphold a code of conduct with the best behaviors. There are […]
I Protect Life and Health. I avoid violence whenever possible. I love that we train to be protectors, not predators. I love that we train to help others feel safer whenever we are around. I love that our art is not about fighting, but making the world a safer and brighter place. It is […]
Patience is a virtue-but not always practiced. Two days ago I was running around Target with limited time to get some gifts for a few people. I was in a crunch as these had to be sent off overseas the following day-so rushed I certainly was. I approached the register and found a line with […]
Change, much like the season’s and taxes is a guarantee in life. Things change all the time. Schools, teachers, friend’s jobs etc. Some people are really good and accepting changes in their lives others not so much. We all like comfort in our lives and change can often interrupt that. A trick I have developed […]
Understand the process of understanding This month we will explore the idea of how to gain knowledge, or “learn to teach/ teach to learn”. As warriors, we are on a quest for knowledge. With time we add experience. Knowledge plus experience give us wisdom. Every time we take a class at NPMAC, you discover new […]
The Art of Winning- The Ninja Way Our To-Shin Do Ninja training teaches us that when we win with grace, our world is a better place. Click “like” if you believe this to be true! Keep sending your good intentions- and creating a world of winners. Our history is strong- and we are creating an […]
Who have you looked up to as a real hero? Who has the qualities you admire and wish to emulate? This week we ask you to review who you have had as a role model, and ask others who their role models are. Real ninja are real heroes! To-Shin!
This week we explore our personal power, as we take responsibility for what surrounds you in the world”. Take charge and choose wisely; be mindful to reduce negative influences in your life. Stephen Hayes says to take responsibility for what you have to do, where you have to be and who you have to spend […]
The art of winning We start our year with the concept of winning. What is winning to you? As a student of NPMAC, we encourage you to subscribe to the concept that winning is being successful and getting what you want and the world is a better place because of it. Notice, we didn’t state […]
A Month of Success This powerful month of December we have explored our power for making the right things happen; we honored our training as a protector to make others feel safer and we paid attention to drawing more successes into our lives. What a wonderful way to end a full year of To-Shin Do!
Success Creates Success This week we focus on the attraction of energy. This week we acknowledge our accomplishments and promise to focus on what we have and rid ourselves of the bad habit of focusing on what we need and do not have. This week, make a note of your accomplishments. Give yourself a pat […]
Breaking Habits This week we study the idea of paying attention to the ideas and concepts that we wish to draw into our lives. During this busy time of year, it is easy to be drawn into “if I only had more time” or the old standby “I need more money”; We break the habit […]
Pro-active efficiency This month we will focus on being pro-active in promoting the promotion of good and the prevention of difficulty. As a NPMAC student, you have explored Code of Ethic #1; I protect life and health, I avoid violence whenever possible. The easiest way to deal with trouble is not to be where the […]
November Visualization ExerciseNPMAC Ninja Peaceful Warrior homework: we challenge our students and fans to give themselves 5 minutes of uninterrupted time, and see what comes to mind when you recall some of your favorite teachers…. What gift have they shared with you? How have you progressed in your life because of a great teacher?Thank a teacher today!
Be an empowering role model Our To-Shin Do training builds on a platform of self confidence and respect for others. This month we focus on the idea of community, and a positive network of friends. We naturally generate more connections with inner confidence. Have you ever seen someone that so lacked confidence, they tried to […]
Enthusiasm is the key to advancement This month we will learn to use enthusiasm and a centered awareness to help us achieve our goals and dreams. How do we become enthusiastic about something we have to do, not want to do? Exercise your enthusiasm muscle just like you would any other muscle in your body! […]
This week we celebrate others who had the discipline to accomplish their goals! Instead of jealousy, use other people’s successes to help you stay disciplined and soon be celebrating your own successes! Who is one person you can bring to mind that has achieved what you term greatness in their life? We look forward to […]
Black Belt Excellence at home, at school and at the dojo March finds us bringing strategic thinking to the table in order to complete our goals. Identifying a challenge may be a step in taking action, but this is only half of the equation. Actively seeking a solution is the other half. When a student […]
The term “Martial Arts” is a relatively broad expression that encompasses a variety of different disciplines. Typically, when we hear the words martial arts, the first ideas that come to mind are one or more of the techniques that have developed in Asian countries. However, the martial arts are comprised of most types of fighting […]
What do you think about this code: I work to develop love, happiness and loyalty among all members of my family. I avoid putting temporary personal gain ahead of the welfare of those I love. This is what we are studying at Newbury Park Martial Arts Center this week. Who do you consider your “community”? […]
The Importance of Role Models- Are You One? This week we look at the important people in our lives that have helped shape us into who we are today. This thought stream then leads us to explore how WE are role modeling for the community. How do you use your To-Shin Do confidence to […]
The New Year is here, and with thousands of goals and resolutions in sight as well, 2017 is the year you should try something new! Martial arts is an established system that can better the entirety of your being. Whether you need mental benefits like furthering your discipline muscle, physical benefits like getting in shape, […]